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Economics and Public Policy, Spezialisierter Master

Master UH

Universität Basel UNIBAS


Basel (BS)




Universitäre Hochschulen UH

Zeitliche Beanspruchung



Geisteswissenschaften, Geschichte, Philosophie - Wirtschaft, Wirtschaftswissenschaften


Politikwissenschaft - Volkswirtschaftslehre VWL


6.731.8.0 - 6.616.2.119

Aktualisiert 31.05.2022


Beschreibung des Angebots

The Master of Science in Economics and Public Policy focuses on the economic analysis of markets, political processes, institutions, and government interventions. Public policy challenges are everywhere: How can we combat climate change and shape the economy towards a more sustainable future? Does the rise and dominance of new firms in the digital sector call for strict anti-trust measures? Does increasing concentration of incomes and wealth call for more redistribution or intervention on the labor market? How much government intervention is needed in a crisis like the 2020/21 Covid-19 pandemic?

Focal Area of Teaching and Research

The curriculum of the Master in Economics and Public Policy provides students with the tools that they need to understand public policy challenges and to develop effective solutions. A series of core courses teach them fundamentals of economics and quantitative methods essential for the analysis of public policy using real-world applications. Moreover, they can specialize in one of three economic policy fields: Energy & the environment, competition & regulation, and health & labor markets. This will sharpen their profile and foster their skills directed towards problem solving in the manifold areas of economic policy. The lecturers are internationally renowned scholars, dedicated researchers, and policy advisers active in these areas.

Competition and Regulation Competition is a fundamental force in a market economy. It provides incentives to invent, improve and excel and can be the “rising tide that lifts all boats”. However, competition does not naturally arise in some markets, and firms may have incentives to act strategically to manipulate prices and quantities in their favor.  In the field Competition and Regulation, we investigate threats to competition and discuss how rules can be designed to improve market outcomes. Competition is also crucial for the public domain, as political parties compete for voters and local governments for firms and taxpayers. The rules for public competition are determined in the political process and have important implications for taxes, the functioning of markets and our overall wellbeing. This policy field provides you with the tools to understand and analyze various forms of competition and regulation and is an excellent preparation for a career in the private or public sector.

Environment and Energy Environmental and energy policy has become one of the most hotly debated policy fields in most industrialized countries. How do we answer the challenge of climate change? Which policies and market designs can be used to facilitate the transition to renewable energy? How can we handle the side effects of an increasing demand for mobility? Such questions are widely discussed in public and policy. How we answer these questions has huge important implications for many firms and strongly influences trade patterns and international relations. In this context, economists provide advice both to public agencies designing policies and to firms deciding on future market strategies that are policy measures influence firm and consumer behavior, how policies and market designs interact, and how the political process shapes environmental and energy policy.

Health and Labor Ageing populations, digitalization and the Corona pandemic have dramatic impacts on the health care system, social security systems, insurance and labor markets. Coping with these impacts is therefore high on the priority list of many countries’ political agendas. How can we ensure the sustainability of the health care and pension system with increasing shares of older people? How can we cope with rapidly changing work environments?  How can we make sure that workers keep up with changing skill requirements? Such questions are widely discussed in public and policy. How we answer these questions has significant implications for many dimensions of society. Sound answers require a profound understanding of how supply and demand of labor and health care are intertwined with public regulation. Economists provide advice to all relevant players, from policy makers to citizens, firms to unions, and public to private institutions. In this policy field, you can gain detailed insights into how health and labor market policies influence insurance providers, providers of health care, employers, workers and individual behavior in other dimensions. You learn how policies and market designs interact and how the political process shapes policies.

Course Structure Master Studies

The study program entails achievements totaling 90 credit points of the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) and a statutory period of study of three semesters. Part-time study increases the duration of the program accordingly.

Aufbau der Ausbildung

One ECTS credit point roughly equals 30 hours of studying.

Curriculum master studies ECTS
Master’s degree program Economics and Public Policy
Fundamentals in Economics 15
Core Courses in Public Policy 15
Policy Field Policy Field: Competition and Regulation or
Policy Field: Environment and Energy or
Policy Field: Health and Labor
Field Electives 12
Preparation Master Thesis 9
General Electives (only if the master's thesis includes 18 ETCS) 12
Master’s thesis 18 or 30
Total 90


There is no possibility to combine this master with other master programs.



see wwz.unibas.ch/mepp

Link zur Zulassung


Application under unibas.ch/application; the application fee amounts to CHF 100.-. Application deadline for the fall semester is April 30, for the spring semester 30 November.


Universität Basel UNIBAS > Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät


Die Anmeldegebühr von CHF 100.- wird nicht rückerstattet, falls das Studium nicht aufgenommen wird.
Begründete verspätete Anmeldungen erfordern eine Zusatzgebühr von CHF 150.-


Pro Semester (auch für Prüfungssemester) ist eine Pauschale von CHF 850.- (+ CHF 10.- freiwilliger Beitrag für die Studierendenschaft skuba) einzuzahlen.
Hinzu kommen je nach Fachrichtung noch Auslagen für Studienliteratur sowie Lebenshaltungskosten.


  • Master Universitäre Hochschule UH

Master of Science in Economics and Public Policy

Praktische Hinweise

Ort / Adresse

  • Basel (BS)

Zeitlicher Ablauf


The Master in Economics and Public Policy is designed as a 3 semester program starting in fall. However, registration is possible either in fall or spring semester. Starting in spring semester may result in an extension to the regular period of study.


The master in Economics and Public Policy is designed as a 3 semesters program, which requires 90 ECTS points.

Zeitliche Beanspruchung

  • Vollzeit


  • Englisch

Most lectures are taught in English, some in German. However, the program can be completed by taking only English courses.


Further information concerning the studies

General Information, including the Study Guide for the Master of Science in Economics and Public Policy can be found at: wwz.unibas.ch/mepp

Universität Basel UNIBAS > Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät

Tag der offenen Tür

Im Januar findet ein Infotag für Schulklassen statt.
Jeweils im September stellen sich die einzelnen Fächer an den Informationsabenden für Maturand/innen ("Live aus der Uni Basel") vor.
Weitere Informationen

Reglemente und Ordnungen

siehe www.wwz.unibas.ch/studium > Ordnung BachelorstudiumOrdnung Masterstudium sowie MIME-Masterordnung bzw. > Wegleitungen


Auskünfte / Kontakt

Advisory Service MEPP

Rahel Fritz, Peter Merian-Weg 6, 4002 Basel, mepp-wwz@unibas.ch

Universität Basel UNIBAS > Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät

Studienberatung Basel

Steinengraben 5, 4051 Basel
T +41 61 207 29 29/30


Studiensekretariat der Universität

(Anmeldung und Zulassung)
Petersplatz 1, 4001 Basel
Anfragen über www.unibas.ch/studseksupport (Kontaktformular)
