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Data Science, Spezialisierter Master

Master UH

Universität Basel UNIBAS


Basel (BS)




Universitäre Hochschulen UH

Zeitliche Beanspruchung



Informatik: Studien und Lehrgänge





Aktualisiert 09.05.2022


Beschreibung des Angebots

Data Science is a modern and interdisciplinary field of research. It is located at the interface between Mathematics and Statistics, Computer Science and Programming. 


Data Science is extensively applied in various occupational fields ranging from a classical academic career across industry to politics and health care. Nowadays, more and more huge volumes of data sets (“Big Data”) are generated. Therefore, Data Science applies a large variety of different methods like Statistics, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Data Mining, Deep Learning, algorithms and systems as well as scientific methods to extract knowledge, get insights, analyze and interpret these data. To address these questions, the field encompasses different applications starting with preparing the data sets for analysis, analyzing the data, develop data-driven solutions, and present findings to inform high level decisions in a broad range of application fields. Thus, Data Science is often called to be the fourth pillar in the spectrum of scientific methods, besides theory, research, and computational sciences. All these together makes Data Science a very diversified and fascinating field of research with versatile challenges. Furthermore, you can be creative and place your own ideas to solve problems and generate solutions.

Focal area of teaching and research

The Master’s program Data Science at the University of Basel offers a solid fundamental theoretical knowledge in mathematics and statistics combined with practical applications in managing and processing huge volumes of data sets. Students enrolling to the Master’s program will enjoy a modern curriculum combining the whole data science methods like mathematical foundations, machine learning as well as managing and processing big data with excellent teaching and close links to current research. Due to the synergy with the Center for Data Analytics the students can write their Master’s thesis based on real, cutting-edge data. Graduates of the Master’s degree program are offered a wide range of job opportunities where they can apply their broad-ranging knowledge, e.g. in the IT, pharmaceutical, chemical, and financial industry, banking and insurance companies, museums and lots of other occupational fields. The studies also convey the fundamentals for an entry into research and academia.

Course structure Master studies

The Master of Science degree is a postgraduate degree that requires a successfully completed Bachelor’s program. The program awards 120 ECTS credits in total. The Specialized Master’s degree program Data Science is a so called «mono-course» consisting of only one core subject.


Aufbau der Ausbildung

One ECTS credit point roughly equals 30 hours of study. 

Curriculum Master’s degree Data Science ECTS
Mathematical Foundations at least 18
Machine Learning Foundations at least 18
Systems Foundations at least 18
Electives in Data Science 20
Preparation of the Master’s thesis 6
Master’s thesis 30
Total 120


The degree programs at the Faculty of Science are generally mono-courses with the possible addition of an in-depth subject and an elective subject.




Information on admission requirements: Study plan and www.unibas.ch/admission.



Application under https://www.unibas.ch/application; the application fee amounts to CHF 100.-. Application deadline for the fall semester is April 30th for the spring semester November 30th. Students of the University of Basel see: www.unibas.ch/Rueckmelden.


The letter of admission also informs students on the procedure of enrollment. In general, students with a Swiss educational background do not have to be present in person for enrollment.


Universität Basel UNIBAS > Philosophisch-naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät


Die Anmeldegebühr von CHF 100.- wird nicht rückerstattet, falls das Studium nicht aufgenommen wird.
Begründete verspätete Anmeldungen erfordern eine Zusatzgebühr von CHF 150.-


Pro Semester (auch für Prüfungssemester) ist eine Pauschale von CHF 850.- (+ CHF 10.- freiwilliger Beitrag für die Studierendenschaft skuba) einzuzahlen.
Hinzu kommen je nach Fachrichtung noch Auslagen für Studienliteratur sowie Lebenshaltungskosten.


  • Master Universitäre Hochschule UH

Master of Science (MSc) in Data Science der Universität Basel


Doctorate / PhD

The Master of Science in Data Science qualifies for a PhD in Computer Science or Mathematics in particular in the context of the PhD Program Data Science at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science. Transfaculty doctorates are possible in any of the computation- or data-oriented programs at the University of Basel, for example in genomics, chemistry, or neuroscience. The doctoral studies last three to four years. After the acceptance of the dissertation an oral examination covering the postgraduate studies in the doctoral subject has to be passed.

Praktische Hinweise

Ort / Adresse

  • Basel (BS)

Department of Mathematics and Informatics, subject area Data Science
Spiegelgasse 1, 4051 Basel, T +41 61 207 57 29

Zeitlicher Ablauf


The Master’s program Data Science can be started in the fall or the spring semester. However, due to the sequence of the courses to be attended, a start in the fall semester is highly recommended.


The Master’s program lasts four semesters. There are no restrictions on the duration of study. Part-time studying resulting in a longer study time is possible (upon request).

Zeitliche Beanspruchung

  • Vollzeit


  • Englisch


Further information concerning the studies

General information, including the guidelines of the Master of Science in Data Science can be found at: Dokumente | Departement Mathematik und Informatik (unibas.ch)

Universität Basel UNIBAS > Philosophisch-naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät

Tag der offenen Tür

Im Januar findet ein Infotag für Schulklassen statt.
Jeweils im September stellen sich die einzelnen Fächer an den Informationsabenden für Maturand/innen ("Live aus der Uni Basel") vor.
Weitere Informationen

Reglemente der Fakultät

  • Ordnung für die Bachelor- und Masterstudiengänge sowie die Doktoratsstudien an der Philosophisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität Basel
  • Wegleitungen und allfällige Stundenpläne für die einzelnen Fächer sind auf den entsprechenden Websites veröffentlicht.


Auskünfte / Kontakt

Questions regarding the studies of Data Science can be discussed with the study coordination of the Master’s program Dr. Sabine Meinel (T +41 61 207 57 29, sabine.meinel@unibas.ch).

Universität Basel UNIBAS > Philosophisch-naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät

Studienberatung Basel

Steinengraben 5, 4051 Basel
T +41 61 207 29 29/30

Studiensekretariat der Universität

(Anmeldung und Zulassung)
Petersplatz 1, 4001 Basel
Anfragen über www.unibas.ch/studseksupport (Kontaktformular)
